Warm Up

Next month I am going to London for the first time, and with that in mind I am saving like a maniac for the shopping frenzy that my BFF Katy and I are going unleash upon the city.

And, as one does, I am already browsing… and the grand browse starts with ASOS! Yes, I know they ship to South Africa, but for some reason I am sold on the idea of pre-ordering stuff, so that when I arrive, I do so to a little parcel of London-ready lovelies, fresh ‘n new for my first overseas shopping jaunt. My plan is to take as little clothing with as possible (a near-impossible feat for me) so that I can return with tons. Vintage markets, watch out!

Inspired by the lusty splashes of primary red blooming in street style at the moment, I started hunting for red anything. But I got sidetracked when I laid eyes on the gold leather paperbag-waist shorts below… and the little selection thus morphed into a collection of warm-toned Autumn-ready beauties. Leather, silk, pleating and volume working together to create ladylike but playful looks that are beckoning to me transcontinentally.

47 sleeps.

4 responses to “Warm Up

  1. London shopping? Jealous! I think my face is actually a little bit green…

  2. how badly do I want that red bag???

  3. Go to Spitalfields Market. (Thursdays is vintage and antiques). And then, close by, Shoreditch. Vintage Heaven!!!! I bought a pair of 1970’s Italian leather boots for only 25 pounds from a beaut of a shp in this part of town. I had to have them resoled, but I was still sold because they’re so full of funk soul! 🙂 Enjoy my darling! http://www.vintagefashionclub.com/vintage-shoreditch.html

  4. do you know how much ASOS charge to ship to SA? have you bought anything from them? I bought stuff when I was england, but didnt know they shipped here!

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