Tag Archives: Peter Pan collar

Collar Kit


I spotted these retro collar tips in the latest ASOS magazine, and they led me on a little collarific journey past leather Peter Pans, lacy bow ties and embellished velvets. The collar tips are my favourite – they lend a real air of Dallas-style suaveness.

They’re the ideal size for postage, wouldn’t you say? Or for stashing in one’s luggage en route to Cape Town, for a blinding reveal upon arrival… London friends take note!

Hot under the collar

I had decided that this weekend would be a productive and fruitful one – I would refrain from indulging in my customary three-too-many vodka tonics, thus bypassing the obligatory couch-marooned hangover anxiety, and go to all the little places that have been blooming in the belly of the city. I would, furthermore, venture to Fabric City and undertake a rewarding and experimental fashion-orientated project. In reality, though, I only succeeded in short circuiting my immoderation to a different time and place (another story entirely) and found myself devoid of coffee/madcap project companions: The Only Living Girl in Cape Town (Simon and Garfunkel fans unite). Every one of my friends had been lured into the wilderness for Vortex. I changed my Facebook status to ‘Vortex Shmortex’ and set off solo, my secret project glimmering in my mind.

My secret project was to source some materials from which to craft a collar of some sort – embellished, velvet, envy-inspiring – to be worn over Tshirts and dresses. You may have noticed that old-fashioned detachable collars have made a comeback, and I am just smitten. A while ago I blogged about Carven, the French fashion house that is being stewarded by ex-Givenchy genius, Guillaume Henry. Carven’s detachable Peter Pan collars are a favourite with the likes of Alexa and Emma Watson and I want one so, so, so badly.

So much so, that I thought I’d make my own one (project in progress, pictures to follow). Collars were also a big feature on the runway at Miu Miu S/S 2010. Other collars that have been making their presence felt include classic lace, doll-like numbers over velveteen frocks, tribalesque beaded collars and fully-sequinned shimmerers.

At Fabric City I spent some time in the velvet section, evaluating the lushness of the pile and the quality of the fabric. I chose a midnight blue, which I ambitiously decided would make a great Peter Pan collar. I added some over-sized silver bells, an offbeat and jangly little addition to the neckline, a rhinestone heart for luck, and a Mickey Mouse iron-on that I couldn’t resist (which will brighten the black, over-sized cropped T that will soon be mine, to be paired with my intergalactic Diane Von Furstenberg mini).

Please bear in mind that while my hand stitching is pretty good, my pattern-cutting is rudimentary to say the least. Never one to be deterred by cold, hard facts, I thought what I always think: I’ll Google it.

Project report back soon!